Аккорды Zac Brown Band - "As She's Walking Away"
Текст песни:
E--------------------------------------------------| B--------------------------------------------------| G--------------------------------------------------| D--2-2-4-2-0---0---------2-2-4-2-0-----------------| A------------4----------------------4-0------------| e--------------------------------------------------| Then go to a G
Как играть другие песни автора "Zac Brown Band"?
- Knee Deep
- Knee Deep
- Toes
- Keep Me In Mind
- Toes
- Toes
- Toes
- Whatever It Is
- Whatever It Is
- Whatever It Is
- Whatever It Is
- Whatever It Is (solo)
- Where the boat leaves from
- Where The Boat Leaves From
- Where The Boat Leaves From
- Where The Boat Leaves From
- Where The Boat Leaves From
- While She's Walking Away (intro)
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