Аккорды Misc Unsigned Bands - "Counterlife - Blackism"
Текст песни:
counterlife is a band from eaton rapids, michigan and they are real, they are the best band ever!!!! they dont have a website done yet so i cant put it on here. but i swear they are real! i've been to all there concerts ever! songs in drop d intro (play twice) --------------------- --------------------- -2-2-4-5-5-5-5-4-4-2- -2-2-4-5-5-5-5-4-4-2- -0-0-2-3-3-3-3-2-2-0- --------------------- --------- --------- -4---6--- -4-6-6-4- -2-6-4-4- ---6---4- play each note 12 times x2 and that's the whole song. it just repeats. its REALLY easy!
Как играть другие песни автора "Misc Unsigned Bands"?
- Penta - We Plead Insanity
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- Point Blank Miss - Marrieta Anthem
- Presence Of Mind - Why I Think The World Is Out To Get Me
- Pro Unleashed - Beer Street
- Pro Unleashed - Shut Up
- Prolead - Day By Day
- Proven Ground - What No Cake
- Punk Weasels - Graffiti
- Punkle Unk - Self Titled
- Pyschosis - Death
- Quadrangle Triangle - Pig Extreme
- Quasar - I Need You
- Queen Of Needles - Saviour
- Radiant Peppermint Hedgehogs - Instumental
- Radiant Peppermint Hedgehogs - My Reality
- Radiant Peppermint Hedgehogs - Strumming Away
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