Аккорды Misc Unsigned Bands - "Counterlife - House Arrest"
Текст песни:
counterlife is a band from eaton rapids, michigan and they are really cool so you should add them to you database. there official website isnt done yet so i cant put that here but they do really exist! this is in drop d ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-6-4-3- ------------------------- x2 verse -------------- -------------- --5----------- --5--5--7--3-- --3--5--7--3-- -----5--7--3-- play each note 8 times x2 ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-6-4-3- ------------------------- ------------------------- play verse thing again -------------------------|---------------------------| -------------------------|---------------------------| -------------------------|---------------------------| -------------------------|-3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-6-4-3-3-| -3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-6-4-3-|---------------------------| -------------------------|---------------------------|x2 each play the verse thing w/ a different beat ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------- -3-3-4-3-3-4-3-3-4-6-4-3- ------------------------- x2 thats the whole song by the best band ever: COUNTERLIFE!!!!
Как играть другие песни автора "Misc Unsigned Bands"?
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- Dirty Rotten Imbilcels - Thrashard
- District 28 - The Slow Song
- Dorsal Fin United - Drunken Roundabout Song
- Driving In Neutral - On My Own
- Dystopia - George And Saddam Dont Get Along
- Eccowave - Smooth
- Edenwood - Edenwood
- Emergency Exit - I Fell Sorry
- Empathicity - Unknown
- Endarkend Evil Spirits - Satanic Desquad
- Enfermo - Viejos De Mierda
- Enigmatics - Haunted
- Est - Letters To You
- Exit 181 - Spring Break
- Faded Away - Suffocation
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