Аккорды Misc Unsigned Bands - "Brian Pritchett - Hard To Be Mortal"
Текст песни:
More of my tabs! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hard to be Mortal - Brian Pritchett ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Brian Pritchett Email: [email protected] Tuning: Half a step down eb|----------------------------| Bb|-------3--------------3-1-О-| Gb|-------О------------О-О-О-О-| X4 Db|-----4------------2---------| Ab|---2------------3-----------| Eb|-О--------------------------| eb|-------4--------------2-О-О-| Bb|-------5--------------3-3-3-| Gb|----------------------------| X4 Db|-----6--------------4-------| Ab|---4--------------2---------| Eb|-О--------------О-----------| eb|----------------------------| Bb|-------3-1-О----------3-1-О-| Gb|-----О-О-О-О--------2-2-2-2-| Db|---2--------------2---------| Ab|-3--------------О-----------| Eb|----------------------------| Оnсе you are done with that repeat it all once more. Below are the lyrics that I wrote to this. Just sort of match them with the rythem. Hiding away Nothing to say Forever ignored Always it's stored Ending mine Perhaps in time Probably never To hard to endevor You can't see What I've done to me Feels like I've lost Lost but what it costs Think I should pay I'll last one more day Hold on to morals Hard to be mortal Should I Stay and sigh Torn away Tired of play Be told Оr be scold Difficult design I laugh inside You can't see What I've done to me Feels like I've lost Lost but what it costs Think I should pay I'll last one more day Hold on to morals Hard to be mortal
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